13-4-50 Znamenka str. Moscow 119019 Russia
Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00

International law

SB Legal Company LLC is a member of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and industry, a member of the Committee of Chamber for the promotion of foreign economic activity, is actively participates in the development of relations with Japan.

SB Legal Company LLC will provide each of its clients (resident or non-resident) with:

  1. support of foreign trade transactions;
  2. opening of branches, representative offices and subsidiaries of foreign companies in Russia and their full legal and accounting support;
  3. protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Client in the courts of the country, the jurisdiction of which is determined by the contract between the Client and its counterparty in accordance with the applicable substantive and procedural law;
  4. Representation of interests of foreign companies in relations with Russian legal entities and bodies exercising public authority (tax, law enforcement, federal service for intellectual property / Rospatent /, others);
  5. organizes an audit (legal, economic, technical, ...);
  6. organizes the conduct or support of various studies and examinations;
  7. advising on the tax, economic and legal security of their activities (business);
  8. will assess the possible risks and the likelihood of their occurrence;
  9. will develop a set of measures to minimize any risks (property, reputational, tax, corporate, ...);
  10. will provide support for economic and strategic projects implemented by the Client, including those with foreign capital, of any complexity (including, but not limited to, business diversification, investment and development, according to federal targeted programs, ...);
  11. support of negotiations with counterparties at the conclusion of transactions, will develop recommendations for their execution;
  12. perform an assessment of economic indicators when doing business in special economic zones;
  13. analyze the possibilities of obtaining tax and other economic preferences;
  14. and much more.

Errors in the right are unacceptable, the price of an error for the Client can be determined not only in the calculation of losses, but also in reputational impact on his position in the business or serve as a basis for initiating procedures from the law enforcement agencies to verify the presence in the actions of the Client (his management and / or participants) signs of economic crimes, which requires the team of SB Legal Company LLC of the highest qualifications and responsibility.

Therefore, the unshakable principles and advantages of SB Legal Company LLC are:

  1. non-standard and relevant solutions;
  2. unlimited competence;
  3. full control over the accompanying questions;
  4. the adoption of adequate and correct decisions in any, even a very extraordinary situation, including one involving the prospects for criminal prosecution;
  5. exceptional confidentiality.

The complex of the listed activities will ensure the legal, reputational and economic security of the Clients' activities, wherever they are and wherever they conduct their business.


Bosco Conference
Bosco Conference
Bosco Conference
Our partners
Our partners
Our partners are always with us
Second Citizenship
Second Citizenship
Conference for the questions of Second Citizenship
Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Meeting in the Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Embassy of Pakistan in Russia
Embassy of Pakistan in Russia
At a meeting with the plenipotentiary minister of the Embassy of Pakistan in Russia
Aegean Exporters Association
Aegean Exporters Association
At the meeting with members of the Aegean Exporters Association
At the Health & Beauty Show. Equipment presentation
At the Health & Beauty Show
Business relationships begin at the exhibition
Business relationships begin at the exhibition
In the photo: CEO SB Legal Company and representative of the SB Legal Company in Tokyo.
At the Health & Beauty Show. Equipment presentation
At the Health & Beauty Show
Negotiation of terms of agreement
Austrian embassy
Austrian embassy
Business meeting - Compliance and anti-corruption activities
SADC forum. Creating business relationships with African business
In the photo: directors of SB Legal Company and Limpopo Company
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Business internship at Oriental Logistic
Business internship at a transport enterprise in China
The development of trade relations with Japan
Embassy of Japan and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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